Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Finally. Finally...

Sorry, Hollywood, but he's ours again. For those of you who live under a proverbial "Professional Wrestling rock" (*cringe*), last night on Monday Night RAW, 'The Most Electrifying Man In Sports Entertainment' made a triumphant return to the WWE last night, after being gone for seven long years. 'The Great One', The Rock, shocked the world last night after showing up to Monday Night RAW, announced as the official host of WrestleMania XXVII.


After painful deliberation and tension-building, "If ya smeeeeeelll!!" exploded into the arena, and the fans in attendance and everyone watching around the world went insane. It had been seven years since The Rock was last seen in a WWE ring, and he says that now, he's back and he's never leaving.


WWE is must-see TV once again. The Rock is undeniably the greatest performer in the history of the business. From his untouchable mic skills and charisma, to his in-ring agility and endurance, The Rock is the total package when it comes to Pro Wrestling. It's still hard for me to get used to the idea that I not only want to watch Monday Night RAW every week, but I'm actually excited and looking forward to it. These are the moments that, when the product is at its lowest, remind you why you're a fan, and always will be. This is the payoff.


We might possibly get rid of this PG crap. The censors could barely keep up with Rocky last night, and he's said before that if he ever comes back he is not abiding by any "family friendly" guidelines. A censored Rock is almost worse than no Rock at all. I think seeing the ratings from having him on on a regular basis will be enough to snap the big wigs out of their notion that PG was the right way to go.


The business is in good hands. Before last night, the WWE was in a scary state. So much young talent, and only a smattering of break-out stars. The huge stars of the WWE are getting up there in age. They're burnt out mentally and physically and can't go the way that they used to. At this stage in the game, guys like Miz, MVP, Kennedy, Morrison; they should be main eventing. Two of those are gone, which is practically a damn tragedy. Miz broke through, but for the others, they're stuck in a sort of purgatory. The Rock creates superstars. I think he could really bring a couple of these young guys up HUGE, and really leave the business in a solid place before he leaves for good.


The Rock is paying back the WWE and its fans. All these years, no one really knew if he was ever going to come back. And oh, the bitter taste in our mouths, to think that The Rock just used the fame he built in the WWE and used it to get his foot in Hollywood's door, abandoning his true home and his true fans. It just felt genuinely GOOD to see him saying (through his actions) "I didn't forget about you guys, I lived my dream in Hollywood, I loved it, but this is where I belong, and yes, I'm back."


All the dream matches that we've been, well, dreaming about can become realities. The Rock vs. John Cena, vs. Bryan Danielson (now THAT one... has enormous potential, Rock vs. Chris Benoit were a couple of the greatest matches of all-time), vs. CM Punk, vs. John Morrison, vs. Randy Orton, vs. The Miz... I could go on forever. All matches that have never been done before, and all matches that could elevate those guys to levels they never even knew existed.


The Rock has come BACK... home.

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