Friday, November 12, 2010

Top Ten Favorite Wrestlers

Well folks, I am tired and busy and think I'm coming down with a nice, juicy flu, so rather than delve deep into my intellectual pro wrestling thoughts, I'm going to whip up my own personal Top Ten List of my favorite wrestlers, past and present. I'll also be introducing my first poll to the blog, hopefully some visitors will take part in that if they don't want to leave comments. So here we go!

10) Matt Sydal: I remember seeing one of his Ring of Honor matches on TV, can't remember who it was against, and being absolutely blown away. The things this guy can do in the air, and how flexible and athletic he is, it's truly awe-inspiring. Definitely the Rey Mysterio of this generation, in the way he is re-defining high-flyers.

9) AJ Styles: AJ Styles is the perfect blend of technical wrestling, and high-flying. I love how crisp almost every single thing he does in the ring is. Very impressive to watch.

8) Jeff Hardy: You either love him or you hate him. A lot of people call Jeff a "spot monkey" or a "glorified stunt man", but I don't see how you can take anything away from a guy who continuously puts so much of his well-being on the line for our entertainment. Jeff has been the driving force behind multiple 'Holy Shit!' moments for me, and I will always have a great deal of respect for him.

7) The Rock: Not a lot of explanation needed here. The Rock is professional wrestling. Not Hulk "I have a tummy ache, sorry" Hogan. He was the height of charisma, and the height of athletic ability, and the two met at the top to combine into some of the most entertaining television you'll ever see.

6) Kurt Angle: Contrary to the chant that will always accompany his (WWE) entrance music, Kurt Angle does not suck. Kurt Angle is an amazing amateur wrestler, and brings out the best in his opponents. I love his physicality, and how intense his matches are. And damnit if Kurt Angle couldn't be funniest son of a bitch on WWE programming sometimes. I think I might just have to post 'Sexy Kurt' at the end of this entry...

5) Bryan Danielson: The guy was fired in, what, his first couple weeks with the company? And the outcry by the fans was so great, that they actually brought him back. That says a LOT about a guy's talent. When does the WWE EVER listen to it's fans??? Bryan Danielson vs. Chris Benoit might be the very first thing I request to see upon reaching the pearly gates.

4) Randy Orton: Recently Orton seems to have contracted "Stone Cold Syndrome". The disease of being such an amazing heel, that people start to cheer you, and all of a sudden you're a babyface, but you don't really have to alter your personality whatsoever! I hear a lot of people say Orton is crap on the mic, but I think he's awesome. You guys know he's trying to generate heat right...?

3) Chris Jericho: I don't even really know why, but there's just something so insulting about being called a 'parasite'... Another guy who is incapable of having a bad match. And one of the few who still has a credible submission hold. I miss hearing a pop for a submission attempt... But Danielson is bringing it back!

2) Eddie Guerrero: It takes a lot to truly amaze me when it comes to pro wrestling, but the way Eddie could hold a crowd in the palm of his hand, was amazing. Good guy, bad guy, it was truly up to him, not you. I definitely took him granted, as I'm sure most of us did, and would give anything to see one more Eddie Guerrero match.

1) Chris Benoit: If I actually had a decent amount of people commenting, I'd say something like "This is probably going to create some controversy..." Benoit didn't have a lot of traditional charisma, but he had his own personal type of charisma. And it was all in the ring. Holy smokes could that guy go. So physical, and so flawless. His Northern Lights Suplex will probably always be my single-favorite wrestling move to see. HIS. Not only did we lose a fantastic wrestler back in 2007, but we lost a fantastic legacy and it truly is a shame.

So there it is, like it or not, those are MY top ten favorite wrestlers to date! It's hard to cut it down to ten, but there ya go. Talk about your own, disagree with mine, whatever you like! Take us home, Kurt!


  1. Um, hello??? HBK??? IMHO, of course..

  2. No Kevin Nash? Scott Hall? Bret Hart? Curt Henning? And of course HBK?! This whole list is controversial!

  3. Can't make a top ten list without leaving a lot of people out. Guess I just lean towards the fresh faces over the stereotypical staples.

    I could have just done Bret Hart, Curt Hennig, Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan, The Rock, Steve Austin, HBK, The Undertaker, Triple H, and John Cena, but how much fun would that have been to read?

    Oooh, now that I think about it I would have liked to have put Dean Malenko in there somewhere though...


Comments always welcome.