Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Welcome to CreComm, maggots!

Well, the first week of CreComm is in the books, and they seem to be easing us into it slowly. Time for the Blog Assignment! So the primary function of this post is to introduce you all to my "new" blog, and let you know what you can expect to find here on a weekly basis.

I'm quite well-adjusted to being the only die-hard Professional Wrestling fan in the room at any given time, and I don't expect CreComm to be much different. My intention is to have a Pro Wrestling themed blog, hence the title. To give a brief education on my history with Pro Wrestling, I started watching probably sometime around 2003. I fell head-over-heels in love with it, and a lot of folks likely won't understand that, or will call me a redneck, but here's hoping that this blog can swing some opinions!

I also did some wrestling myself, have actual experience with the sport/business, and would still be doing it today if I hadn't fallen even more in love with something else (my fiancé). So expect to find show reviews, DVD reviews, hot topics, and breaking news right here, and my opinions on all of it!

I hope that even for the non-fans reading this, you can find it somewhat interesting, or that I can possibly inspire you to maybe check it out. I look forward to hearing from everyone, good or bad (I am always willing to debate), and I will see you for the first post!


  1. Cool - we've had many wrestling fans in CreComm before, thanks to our most famous alumnus being Chris Jericho.

    He came back a couple of years ago, and put me in a sleeper hold. Just woke up a couple of weeks ago.

  2. I'll be checking in regularly! "I think he's REALLY hurt!" (I hope you will be able to clear those kinds of things up for me....)


Comments always welcome.